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Book Discussion Kits

A female librarian hands a female patron the contents of a book discussion kitBook Discussion Kits are designed for book clubs and other groups to read and discuss the same book. The kits include multiple copies of the book and a discussion guide. The kit is checked out to one group member who is responsible for all the materials. You may see what titles are available by visiting

Book Discussion Kits can be reserved up to a year in advance online at or by calling the Adult Services Department at 314-994-3300. Kits may be picked up at any SLCL location. Requests for a specific number of copies and formats will be filled based on availability, but not guaranteed. Kits are checked out for up to 8 weeks, and may not be renewed. Up to two kits may be checked out at one time.

The kit should be returned at the service desk inside any St. Louis County Library location. The kit must be returned in its entirety. For example, if 10 copies are checked out, all 10 copies plus the discussion guide and the bag must be returned at the same time. Please return kits promptly so they will be available for other book groups. If a kit is returned late, the $250 total price of the kit will be charged until returned. Missing parts will be charged based on their list price.