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MOBIUS - Linking Libraries

MOBIUS is a group of regional libraries in MO and nearby states that share over 30 million items.
St. Louis County Library cardholders can borrow material free of charge from other MOBIUS libraries.

MOBIUS Circulation Rules

  • MOBIUS book and audiobook checkouts are 28 days. AV checkouts are 10 days.
  • Books and audiobooks will be on the holdshelf for 6 days.
  • AV materials have a 5 day limit on the holdshelf.
  • Books may be renewed twice, if there are no holds.
  • There are NO renewals on AV material.

What is Prospector?

Prospector is a group of libraries in CO and WY. MOBIUS libraries have access to Prospector materials through the Prospector link on the MOBIUS catalog.
Please be aware that Prospector items have shorter check-out periods, and will take longer to reach SLCL.

  • Prospector books checkout for 21 days, AV checks out for 7 days.
  • All Prospector materials will be on the holdshelf for 6 days.
  • Prospector books may be renewed once, AV may NOT be renewed.

General Questions

How do I request material from MOBIUS?

Search the SLCL/SLPL shared catalog for the title you want to borrow. If the title is available in our catalog, you should place a hold on that title. If the Library does not have the title you want, click the "Search MOBIUS" button. The catalog will automatically re-send your search to the MOBIUS catalog. The next screen you see will be a search results screen from MOBIUS.

If you locate the title you want in the MOBIUS catalog, click on the title to go to the full record. If MOBIUS does not have the title you want, click on the Prospector link to continue your search.

To place a hold on the title, click the "REQUEST THIS ITEM" link located beneath the author, title and publisher information.

In the "With which institution are you affiliated?" box, choose "MOBIUS - St Louis County Library".
On the next screen, enter your last name, your complete library card number and the branch where you want to pick up the title.

If the title has volumes (ex: Fodor’s Hawaii with volumes for 2020, 2021, 2022, etc), you may be asked to choose which copy you want to request. Click to select the radio button to the left of the title, and then click the "Request Selected Item" button.

You will receive a confirmation that your request was successful.
You can view titles you have placed on hold by going to My Account.

Will my INN-Reach/MOBIUS/Prospector holds be listed on LibraryElf?


Will MOBIUS or Prospector items be listed in my reading history?

No. INN-Reach items are virtual, and are not saved to Polaris when the item is returned.

Why do MOBIUS and Prospector items have different rules?

MOBIUS and Prospector are two separate groups of libraries. Each group sets their own circulation rules. We cannot override these rules for any reason.

Do other MOBIUS libraries borrow SLCL material?

Yes, SLCL shares most material with MOBIUS libraries. SLCL does not share Bestseller items, video games, internet devices, periodicals, reference, or History & Genealogy items.

Do SLCL patrons have priority over MOBIUS patrons for popular material?

MOBIUS patrons will not be able to place a hold on items that have not yet been released to SLCL patrons. Only SLCL and SLPL patrons can place holds on items still on order. This will allow for SLCL/SLPL patrons to have first placement on a holds queue. Once the item is available, MOBIUS holds will be allowed. The holds queue prioritizes by date placed, regardless of the patron’s home library.

Checkout/Holds Limits

How many titles can I check out from MOBIUS?

You can have a combined total of 10 MOBIUS and/or Prospector holds and checkouts at one time.  Titles remain on your account from the time they are requested until they arrive back to the owning library. Holds and checkouts both count toward the limit of 10. 

Do MOBIUS holds have to be checked out on the card that placed the hold?

Yes. You cannot transfer a MOBIUS hold to another patron (parent to child, spouse to spouse, for example).

How many MOBIUS holds can I place?

You can have a combined total of 10 MOBIUS holds and checkouts at one time.  Titles remain on your account from the time they are requested until they arrive back to the owning Mobius library. Holds and checkouts both count toward the limit of 10.

Why are there different time limits for items on the hold shelf?

MOBIUS items are not owned by St Louis County Library. While we would like to offer the same time period for all items on the holdshelf, these rules are governed by the owning libraries.

Renewals, Recalls, Overdues & Bills

Can I renew my MOBIUS item?

Print and audiobook MOBIUS Items may be renewed for 2 additional 28 day periods, if there is not a holds queue. Prospector print items may be renewed for 1 additional 21 day period. AV items cannot be renewed. 

Will MOBIUS items auto-renew?

If the item is eligible for renewal, it can be renewed automatically 1 day before the due date, when the due date reminder is sent.

Can I extend my due date by renewing my item immediately?

No. Attempting to renew MOBIUS or Prospector items early will result in a new due date in line with the loan period from the day the renewal request is made, not the previous due date. This actually results in a shorter loan for you.

Why can’t you give me an extension on these, like you can on other material?

If we make a change to a due date on our system, that change is not reflected in the lending library’s system. So, if we override our system to extend a due-date for you, the other library’s system will not reflect that change, and will still expect the item back on the original due date.

I received a notice that my item was recalled. What does that mean?

At any time during a checkout period, the lending library has the ability to recall any item that they need back. If an item is recalled, the patron who has checked out the item has 7 days to return the item, regardless of the original due date.

I can’t find my MOBIUS item. What should I do?

Please use all possible renewal time to look for the item.  If you still cannot locate the item, contact the library at 314-994-3300.

I’ve been charged $120 for an item that I lost. Can this charge be reduced?

$120 is the default replacement value for all MOBIUS and Prospector items. ($100 replacement + $20 processing fee). In most cases, the lending library will agree to reduce the cost to reflect the actual cost of the lost item. Please contact the Library at 314-994-3300, and we will contact the owning library to negotiate the replacement charge.

A MOBIUS item that I already returned is still on my card. What do I do?

MOBIUS items are not removed from your account until the item is received at the owning location. This means that the item will still be on your record several days after being returned to SLCL. If the item is still on your account after 28 business days, you may contact the SLCL Interlibrary Loan department at 314-994-3300. Please allow additional time for Prospector items.

INN-Reach vs ILL

If I used ILL, I could get this DVD for 21 days. Do I have to use Prospector where I only get 7 days?

We require our patrons to borrow material from SLCL first, then MOBIUS, and then Prospector. ILL is utilized only when the title cannot be found from those three sources.

Will MOBIUS be replacing Interlibrary Loan?

No. We are able to fill most requests using MOBIUS and Prospector, but we still offer traditional Interlibrary loan. When MOBIUS and Prospector do not have an item, traditional ILL will be offered to adult and minor resident cardholders.

There are items listed as AVAILABLE in Prospector, but when I try to place a request, I get a “This item cannot be requested” error.

Not all libraries in Prospector participate in Peer-to-Peer sharing with MOBIUS. If there are no other options for the desired item in MOBIUS or Prospector, place an ILL request.