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Meeting Room Policy

Meeting Room Policy

(Adopted by Library Board on February 17, 1982. Revised November 15, 1989; September 18, 1993; October 19, 1998; September 23, 2002; November 18, 2002; June 18, 2007; May 18, 2009; March 11, 2013; June 17, 2014; July 16, 2018; October 21, 2019; September 27, 2021; February 6, 2023)

St. Louis County Library (Library) meeting rooms are intended primarily for Library and St. Louis County Library Foundation (Foundation) meetings, programs and events. When not needed for these purposes, the rooms are available to community groups and organizations, local businesses, and individuals. Permission to use Library meeting rooms is revocable and does not constitute a lease, nor does it imply that the Library endorses the aims, policies, views or activities of the group, organization, business or individual using the room.  Anyone using the Library’s meeting rooms must abide by the terms of this policy and the Library’s Code of Conduct.  All groups composed of minors must have adequate adult supervision.


  1. Use of the Library’s meeting rooms must not disrupt the orderly conduct of the Library, its programs or activities.  Meetings may not conflict with Library and/or Foundation-sponsored programs; in the event of such a conflict, the Library or Foundation program will receive priority. THE LIBRARY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CANCEL CONFIRMED MEETING ROOM RESERVATIONS, WITH A MINIMUM OF 30 DAYS’ NOTICE, TO ACCOMMODATE LIBRARY/FOUNDATION-SPONSORED PROGRAMS AND EVENTS.  CANCELLED MEETINGS WILL BE RESCHEDULED WHENEVER POSSIBLE.
  2. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS MAY NOT TAKE PLACE ON LIBRARY PROPERTY. Exceptions may be made for Library/Foundation sponsored programs or events.
  3. Pending availability, meeting rooms may be reserved by an individual or individuals no more than 7 days in advance of the date of use.  All other terms in this policy are applicable to these reservations.
  4. Meeting rooms may not be used for personal events such as weddings, funerals, parties, reunions, or other social events.
  5. Upon the approval of a Library employee, individuals and small groups may use a meeting room on a walk-in basis if it is not reserved for that day.
  6. Groups may not imply Library sponsorship of their meeting, program or organization unless sponsorship is expressly approved in writing by the Library.
  7. Meetings must be open to the public and attendees must be permitted to participate in the meetings. The Library reserves the right to attend any meeting held in its facilities (except lawful executive sessions of governmental bodies). EXCEPTION: Agencies of any department of government may hold closed sessions required for the achievement of their defined goals.  In compliance with the ADA, the Library requires that groups or organizations using Library facilities do not discriminate on the basis of disability.
  8. No business, group, individual, organization or sub-group thereof (e.g., a committee or special interest group) may use a meeting room at any one location more than once in a week.  Tax supported organizations will be exempt from this rule so long as this does not deny others access.

Use and Responsibility

  1.  Individuals, groups, and organizations must comply with the room capacity limit as set by Library Administration. 
  2. The set-up and take-down of tables and chairs are the responsibility of the individual, group, or organization and must be accounted for within the reserved time.  At the end of a meeting, the room must be left in the same condition as it was found.
  3. Rooms will only be scheduled for use during regular Library hours and meetings must be finished in sufficient time to vacate the building by the time the Library is scheduled to close for the day. In the event that a meeting is canceled, the Library must be notified so that the room may be made available to others.
  4. Refreshments may be served, but groups may not prepare food on Library property. Groups and organizations are responsible for providing their own supplies (coffee cups, napkins, etc) and for all clean up.
  5. Individuals, groups, and organizations using Library owned equipment and facilities shall assume financial responsibility to reimburse the Library for the repair of damaged equipment, repair of damage to the building interior, or the replacement of missing equipment.  Certain pieces of equipment are not available for public use.
  6. Furniture, equipment or supplies may not be stored on Library property. The Library assumes no responsibility for items left on the premises.
  7. Individuals, groups and organizations using the Library meeting rooms agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Library, its Board of Trustees, staff and agents, from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses of any kind which may be suffered by, incurred by, or threatened against the Library, the Board of Trustees or any of its employees or other agents on account of or resulting from injury, or claim of injury, to person or property arising out of the organization’s use of the Library, including but not limited to damaged or missing equipment and fixtures, and any and all structural interior or exterior damage to the Library.
  8. The Board of Trustees of the St. Louis County Library is the final authority in granting or refusing permission for the use of the meeting facilities.

Failure to observe these rules may result in the denial of use of the meeting place by the individual, group, or organization concerned. Library employees will refer questions about the organization, other than day and time of meeting, to one of the contact persons named on the application.