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Senior Services

Mobile Services

Residents at senior living communities within the St. Louis County Library District can receive library materials during regularly scheduled visits via library vans. Thousands of items are available such as the latest fiction, classics, cookbooks, music and movies. Specific items can be requested for delivery. Request service

Homebound Service

SLCL provides free library service by mail to people who are confined to home due to illness, disability or advanced age. Applicants must live in the St. Louis County Library District. Homebound Service is available only to individuals not currently served by a senior van unit.

Participants can receive library materials including books in regular or large print, magazines, DVDs or CDs. Specific items can be requested, or staff can select items for you, based on the preferences you indicate.

Delivery Options

Material will be mailed at no cost to the resident. Materials are mailed in zippered bags. The bags include a label for free return mail to the library. Individuals may choose to have someone pick up materials at a nearby branch.


  • Items are checked out for six weeks.
  • Items not on request may be renewed twice.
  • There are no overdue fines.

Request service

Complete the request for homebound service form.

Senior Book Discussion Kits

Staff at senior living facilities within the St. Louis County Library District can request Book Discussion Kits to be delivered to their facilities. Each kit is specially designed to meet the requirement of each senior living community with books on CD and large print books. Call 314-994-3300 ext 2333 for more information.

Book a Librarian

SLCL staff are available to visit assisted living facilities and nursing homes within the St. Louis County Library District to help residents learn how to use the library’s eMedia services. Residents will need a valid library card, a compatible device and access to an internet connection. To schedule a free 30-60 minute session complete a request form.