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Security Policies

Department Move Alert

Library Headquarters closed to the public on May 28th, 2022.  Learn more about the new Clark Family Branch construction project.

The History & Genealogy Department is temporarily relocated to the Daniel Boone Branch where staff will continue to assist researchers with their needs and any requests. 

Materials access is limited. Resources available at Daniel Boone include Missouri resources, Illinois resources for six metro area counties, St. Louis city directories and phone books, microfilms, and computer databases. Family Histories (929.2) and resources for Germanic Europe (943 A - 949.97 W) are located off-site and available upon request. Patrons may request these titles by sending an email to  Item requests will be fulfilled on Wednesdays and Fridays. 

Inspection notice

The library staff reserves the right to inspect all items before a visitor enters or leaves the History & Genealogy Department.

Things you should bring with you

  • Money for making copies and printouts (a coin changer is available in the department)
  • Writing paper, pens or pencils, and personal notes

Food and drinks are not permitted in the History & Genealogy Department.