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Zion Lutheran Church | Jefferson City, Cole County, Missouri

Lutheran Church records held by the History and Genealogy Department

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Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church 1843-1975
Jefferson City, Missouri
Cole County

Original records are held by Concordia Historical Institute and are also available on Family History Library film no. 1479677.
Located six miles southwest of Jefferson City, Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church was the mother church for other congregations in central Missouri. The Honey Creek congregation split off in 1869 and the Jefferson City congregation in 1870. Its founders came from Bavaria and Saxony.
Text in English and German.
SLCL Roll Item Ministerial Act Years Concordia Roll Comments
44 1 Baptism 1914-1974 1676 p. 25-35
44 1 Communicants 1946-1959 1676 p. 50-56
44 1 Confirmation 1915-1957 1676 p. 117-124
44 1 Marriage 1914-1963 1676 p. 149-152
44 1 Communicants 1914-1946 1676 p. 170-196
44 1 Burial 1915-1975 1676 p. 197-206
44 1 Chronicle & Members   1676 p. 229-240
44 2 Baptism 1865-1914 1676 p. 4-52
44 1 Confirmation 1866-1911 1676 p. 90-99
44 1 Marriage 1865-1912 1676 p. 120-129
44 1 Burial 1865-1913 1676 p. 150-167
44 1 Communicants 1906-1913 1676 p. 170-185
44 1 Constitution & Signatures 1872-1873 1676 p. 201-207
44 1 Communicants 1874-1905 1676 p. 208-253
44 1 Loose Letters & Articles   1676